Does Christmas Celebrate Christ’s Birthday?

(Originally published without a listed author in the Plain Truth, December 1956).

Was Christ really born on December 25th? Did Paul and the other apostles—and the early New Testament Church—celebrate Christmas? WHY is Christmas not so much as MENTIONED anywhere in the New Testament?…It is time we learned the FACTS!

4000 Years of Christmas

Christmas was celebrated by pagans 2000 years before Christ was born. Yet it was not celebrated in Jerusalem—where Christ founded the inspired New Testament Church—until 385 AD., over three centuries after the true Church fled from Jerusalem! Why? Did you know that the pagan Romans long before the birth of Christ called December 25 the Brumalia, or birthday of the new-sun after the winter solstice? Christmas was originally celebrated in honor of pagan gods. It was IDOLATRY! Every one of these FACTS you can find in the leading Encyclopaedias, in your own public libraries! Though the Bible is silent about telling us to observe Christmas, or recording any such observance by the apostles or the early true Church, it does have something to say about the CHRISTMAS TREE! Yes, it’s time you learned the TRUTH about Christmas!

(Editor’s note: Early Christians actually did not celebrate birthdays, neither their own or Jesus’, at all.)