这里已经从英语翻译材料的信息以达到尽可能多的(马太福音24:14; 28:19-20虽然译者都小心翼翼地正确转换,因为它们通常不是神的继续教会的成员,理解,可以有一些信息的误解。如果事情看起来不正确或不清楚,请咨询原英文源,在 www.ccog.org.
这里已经从英语翻译材料的信息以达到尽可能多的(马太福音24:14; 28:19-20虽然译者都小心翼翼地正确转换,因为它们通常不是神的继续教会的成员,理解,可以有一些信息的误解。如果事情看起来不正确或不清楚,请咨询原英文源,在 www.ccog.org.
圣日与热门假期 在自称基督教的众多团体中,几乎都观察到一些假期或圣日。 你应该遵守上帝的圣日或恶魔的假期吗? 这似乎是一个简单的问题,一个简单的答案。 而对于那些愿意相信圣经而不是各种人群的人来说,是这样的。 你应该遵守 神的圣日 或恶魔假期?
Here is a link to our magazine in Mandarin Chinese: 聖經預言新聞 7至9月到2016年
人类是否有解决办法? 世界面临着许多问题。 很多人都饿了。 很多人受到压迫。 许多人面临贫困。 许多国家都在严重的债务。 孩子们,包括那些未出世,面对滥用。 耐药性的疾病涉及许多医生。 主要工业城市都设有太污染是健康的。 各种威胁政治家战争。 恐怖袭击发生保持。 上帝天国的福音
这堂会继续? 教会数千人的数十亿 有成千上万团与自称是基督的教会的一部分,主要的教义差异。他们中许多人正在认真谈论普世团结。一二十亿人被认为是这些教会的一部分。是一个巨大的教堂真正的基督徒教会? 哪里是真正的基督徒教会今天
By Bob Thiel This is the fifth part of a multi-part series on prayer. It has been said that, “The Church of God goes forward on its knees.” This has basically been used as an admonition to tell Christians …
Twenty-Eight Tips for More Effective Prayers: Part 5 Read more »
Bob Thiel, Editor-in-Chief Published 2016 by the Continuing Church of God Preface: This course is highly based upon the personal correspondence course developed in 1954 that began under the direction of the late C. Paul Meredith in the old Radio …
STUDY THE BIBLE COURSE Lesson 10: Symbol of Fulfilled Prophecy Read more »
By Bob Thiel Christmas is the biggest commercial holiday on the planet. Billions believe it is a biblical celebration. Few seem to realize that the Bible never endorses the celebration of birthdays, including that of Jesus. Nor does the …
By Colin Adair This was originally published in the Good News magazine of the old Worldwide Church of God in October-November 1979. I, Bob Thiel, met him once in 1997 or 1998. The atheist, to support his belief that …
FROM THE EDITOR IN CHIEF, BOB THIEL The world is a complicated place with many types of problems. In the world’s so-called democracies, politicians campaign to persuade us to vote for them so that they can help solve these …