How Will Middle East Peace be Brought About?
FROM THE EDITOR IN CHIEF: BOB THIEL How Will Middle East Peace be Brought About? Will we have peace in the Middle East? Certainly. How will it be brought about? Many have ideas. And many ideas have …
FROM THE EDITOR IN CHIEF: BOB THIEL How Will Middle East Peace be Brought About? Will we have peace in the Middle East? Certainly. How will it be brought about? Many have ideas. And many ideas have …
STUDY THE BIBLE COURSE TEST Number 1 Bob Thiel, Editor-in-Chief Published 2015 by the Continuing Church of God Preface: This course is highly based upon the personal correspondence course developed in 1954 that began under the direction of the …
以下文章出版源自于“The Journal”1997年8月期刊 信息更新于2011年6月26日及继续更新中。 在传福音中,什么是教会的责任?是否已经完成了? 是不是我们不应该担忧并且继续“留守在我们的洞穴中”直到耶稣再次回归, 正如一名不是非拉铁非神的教会的残余者告诉我的那样?我们应该相信人说的还是神说的话? 耶稣说:“这 天 国 的 福 音 要 传 遍 天 下 , 对 万 民 作 见 证 , 然 後 末 期 才 来 到 。”(马太福音24:14,NKJ)。由于末期还未到来,这将表明,仍然有时间把“这天国的福音”向全世界宣扬作为见证。在马太福音中,耶稣最后一句话是:“所 以 , 你 们 …
作者: Robert A. Ginskey 占星术有合理的科学依据可寻吗?是否有任何可能的方式,在一个人出生的时候, 天上恒心,行星, 星云的位置可能会影响一个人的性格,健康,婚姻,事业以及许多其他的个人事件? 以下的文章表明,占星术的起源在于异教迷信。但是占星术究竟准不准呢? 直到十六世纪, 地球仍然被认为是宇宙的中心,太阳,月亮,行星和恒星都是围绕着地球这个所有重要活动的中心。 但是波兰天文学家哥白尼(1543年)的日心宇宙废黜了地心宇宙的说法。并且从那时起,随着天文知识的不断进步,天文学家们毫不留情的把地球在宇宙中处于任何特权位置的说法越推越远。太阳,也曾被屈降到一个不显眼的位置,降到一个相当普通的星系中,降到一个相对较小的星系群中,以及降到于在宇宙无数的数十亿恒星中。 在这样的宇宙中,我们很难相信被创造出的天地对地球和特别的某个人有着特定的影响。这种影响将怎样发生呢?是通过重力吗? 还是辐射? 测量宇宙中广浩无垠的距离,通常是以光年来计算的,———排除这种影响。医生站在分娩台前接生新生儿的引力将远远超出任何恒星或星系对一个新生儿的影响。 而且即使是从最亮的恒星发出的辐射也比产房的一个灯泡所发出的光要弱上千万倍。 结论似乎是不可避免的:没有已知的力量从天上的星座传出预计能够对任何人产生独特的, 终生的影响。 即使恒星确实对一个人出生的时辰有着微小的影响,难道任何人真的相信,星座比起地球上直接影响我们生活的那些许多更强大的环境力量对我们有着更加重要的影响吗? 地球上的所有生命都受于环境中周期变化的影响。这种周期性变化经常是一种自然节奏的基础,被称为生物钟。最明显的例子就是日升与日落,光明与黑暗的日循环,几乎直接影响所有植物和动物的活动。 Back to COGwriter Home Page
Bob Thiel, Editor-in-Chief Published 2014 by the Continuing Church of God Preface: This course is highly based upon the personal correspondence course developed in 1954 that began under the direction of the late C. Paul Meredith in the old Radio …
STUDY THE BIBLE COURSE Lesson 4: How to Study the Bible Read more »
FROM THE EDITOR IN CHIEF: BOB THIEL Why this is important to know? What does the Bible teach? How can church history assist in understanding this? The Book of Revelation is a prophetic book. It begins with, “The …
What is a Philadelphian? What is a Philadelphian in the 21st century? Read more »
By Bob Thiel On the Day of Atonement, the Bible says to “afflict your souls” (Leviticus 23:32). Why do those who can in the Continuing Church of God fast on that day? In Isaiah 58:5 the Bible teaches …
By John Hickey I’ve always known somehow that the seventh day is the Sabbath. I don’t know how but I guess I must have read the creation story or the Ten Commandments. Like most others, when I went to …
By Bob Thiel Most who profess Christianity, as well as many who do not, now celebrate the holiday known as Christmas. It is a holiday endorsed and promoted by the Church of Rome. Since it is not enjoined in …
Bob Thiel, Editor-in-Chief Published 2014 by the Continuing Church of God Preface: This course is highly based upon the personal correspondence course developed in 1954 that began under the direction of the late C. Paul Meredith in the old Radio …
STUDY THE BIBLE COURSE Lesson 3: Christ Will Stop World Suicide Read more »